We invite you to
Battle for the Heart
How you live comes out of what’s happening in your heart.
Your thoughts, feelings and desires – conscious or not – flow into your choices, which affect your entire life.
The Battle experience offers a series of retreats, devotionals, and team meetings for you and your team to encounter the heart of God and come to a transformational understanding of His design for our hearts.
The Bible calls the heart a source of life – a wellspring. Few find it. But for those who do, a world of change is possible.
Who’s the Battle for?
Men’s Teams
You long to step up, to see that you make a difference in your world.
Perhaps you’ve tried different things to bring about that change- new job, new city, new ministry, new whatever – but you’re still the same man relating in the same old ways.
And if you’re like most men, the struggle is wearing you out and making you feel guilty. Maybe you’re even getting close to giving up. But just trying harder is not the answer. The reality is, you won’t see the impact you long for unless you first experience real change in your own heart. And that’s not easy.
Wellspring has a path to this kind of transformation, one that’s grounded in Scripture and time-honored spiritual traditions: The Battle for Men’s Hearts. We lead teams of 4-5 men through a process that builds a safe place to take off masks and discover who they really are and who they were created to be.
Your heart is worth fighting for.
Women’s Teams
You long to be seen, and known,
and cherished.
Every woman does. You want to believe that there is something truly special about you, an intrinsic beauty that age can never diminish. But if you’re like most women, disappointments and life’s demands crowd out all those longings. It’s easier not to acknowledge them, to yourself or to anyone else. And that’s a pretty lonely way to live.
The truth is, you were made for more. You were meant to live a life of hope, connection, impact, and adventure. You were created to love and be loved. You do, in fact, possess a radiantly beautiful heart, one that’s worth knowing and fighting for. But few of us live out of that truth on a consistent basis. Something has to change.
Wellspring has a path to this kind of transformation, one that’s grounded in Scripture and time-honored spiritual traditions: The Battle for Women’s Hearts. We lead teams of 4-5 women through a process that builds a safe place to take off masks and discover who they really are and who they were created to be.
Your heart is worth knowing.
“It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures … far too easily pleased.”
―C.S. Lewis, The Weight of Glory, and Other Addresses
The Four Parts of the Battle Process
Battle for the Heart Intensive
4 Day, 3 Night Retreat
A series of interactive teaching sessions, personal reflection times, and facilitated team discussions, introducing the framework of the whole heart
Follow Through Material
14 Weeks
Go deeper with your team in knowing how to win the daily battle for your heart through reflections in scripture and weekly team meetings
Battle for Your Domain
3 Day, 2 Night Retreat
A workshop in authentic community, equipping you with the skills to fight for the hearts of your team and those in your sphere of influence
Follow Through Material
12 Weeks
Deepening focus on overcoming obstacles to winning the battle for your heart and playing your part in God’s Larger Story
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