M.A., M.Ed., LPC (Licensed Professional Counselor)
Atlanta, GA

Judy Keappler

My education and experience are in Childhood Education, and Christian Counseling. I graduated from Berry College with a B.S. in Early Childhood Education, and went on to earn my Masters in Education from Georgia State University. After Mark and I married, I was an educator in public and private schools for many years. The hectic pace of marriage and raising children eventually led me to leave my education career to devote my time and energy to family.

In 2005, in the midst of church and family life, I entered the Wellspring process and began living from a fully integrated heart. It was from this fullness that I began to make life decisions that satisfied my deep desires. As I encountered my deep desires with God, I found that my desire for Kingdom impact was being blocked. Tapping in to this deep desire led me to pursue a Masters in Professional Counseling from Richmont Graduate School, and open a private counseling practice. I have deeply enjoyed walking with others as they seek more freedom for their hearts. Recently, God has opened up a desire for more Kingdom impact and led me to become a Certified Professional Counselor Supervisor, where I am impacting the next generation of counselors.

Mark and I live in Atlanta, and have been married for 36 years. We enjoy our two adult children, and delightful, new son-in-law. In my spare time, I love to connect deeply with people, and pursue adventurous travels with family and friends.