Research & Development Director

Laura Arnold

Laura joined the Wellspring team in 2019 after a decade of academic and corporate work. She has served in many roles while on staff, though her most recent position is her favorite! Her time is spent on evaluation and program planning (essentially translating our research into practice), which looks like exploring the effectiveness of our curriculum and resources to better understand the impact on others and how we can increase the breadth and depth of transformation among believers. She holds a Ph.D. in Human Development and Family Studies from the University of Georgia and is a Certified Family Life Educator.  

What Laura discovered through Wellspring is that she was living within a safely constructed (very limited) understanding of Christianity and, ultimately, God. “I have been a follower of Christ since I was seven and grew up in church. I truly believed that I was living in the fullness of the Christian faith. However, through Wellspring’s wholehearted discipleship experiences, she began to experience God – not simply a rational knowing of him or his Word, but his calling on my life to lay down my pride, to surrender, and to fully experience His love. This began to and continues to revolutionize my marriage, my parenting, and, ultimately, all of my relationships. I understand more and more what Jesus meant when he said, ‘I have come that you may have life and life in abundance.’” 

She and her husband, John, have been married since 2006 and have four amazingly wonderful children (all 10 years old and younger). On most days, you can find her and the family having a dance party or taking adventuresome road trips as a #tightteam. Only 27 more states to go until they will have visited all 50 states!