We invite you to
Battle for Your Marriage
In Your Marriage, There’s More at Stake than You Can Imagine
You’ve entered the Battle for Your Heart and experienced the transformation that’s possible when you live from your whole heart in authentic Biblical community. You’ve taken risks and fought for your own heart and those of the men or women on your team. But what does it look like to engage the Battle for the Heart in the riskiest of all relationships – your marriage?
That’s the adventure that awaits you in The Battle for the Heart of Marriage. This year-long process, offered exclusively to husbands and wives who have both completed the Battle for the Heart, takes couples deeper into the Four Spiritual Realities.
Battle for Your Marriage teams consist of 3-4 couples who have completed the individual Battle for the Heart tracks.
Read more about the requirements and recommendations for forming a group here.
The Battle for Your marriage can help you discover:
The part your marriage was created to play in God’s Eternal, Larger Love Story
The glory, beauty, and majesty of your spiritual and sexual union
How the essence of marriage flows out of the essence of masculinity and femininity
What it looks like to pursue the fullness of repentance, forgiveness, and healing in marriage
How evil is hunting your relationship through the Dance of Fear and Pride
The protection available to you through the Fellowship
How the skills of engaging in marriage can deepen your intimacy with each other and with God
The Battle for Your Marriage Process
Battle for Your Marriage
4 Day, 3 Night Retreat
A series of interactive teaching sessions, personal and couple reflection times, and team discussions to help you understand your marriage through the lens of the Four Realities and begin living out of the fullness God has for your marriage.
Follow Through Material
10 Weeks
Go deeper with your spouse and your team in knowing how to win the battle for your marriage through reflections in scripture, weekly engagements with your spouse, and weekly team meetings.
Battle for Holistic Communion
3 Day, 2 Night Retreat
Interactive teaching, personal and couple reflection times, and team discussion that will help you break your old dance, begin living more consistently out of a new dance, and understand the part your sexual union plays in God’s Larger Story.
Follow Through Material
8 Weeks
Take a deep dive into how husbands and wives individually and together reveal the heart of God while learning how to consistently live in the Dance of Love and Grace.
Upcoming Events
The Battle for Your Marriage (BYM) involves an application process and pre-approval for participation. BOTH spouses need to complete an application. Completing this form does not guarantee acceptance. Before filling out the application, please make sure you have read and agree to the information in the team formation, Overview document and Commitment form. Both spouses need to be fully committed to the entire process. Please discuss this as a couple prior to applying.
No deposits are required with this application. Deposits are made upon acceptance. For a full list of prices for the BYM process (Battle for Your Marriage + Battle for Holistic Communion) see event listings below.
What Past Participants are Saying