Wellspring Group is a discipleship ministry, a loving fellowship, and a way of being.
We long to see the whole earth filled with the glory of God, and we believe the best way to accomplish this purpose is through people’s hearts.
God designed our hearts to receive His satisfying love and to overflow with that love back to Him and into the lives of people around us. By doing so, we represent and reveal His heart on earth, as it is in heaven.
For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD as the waters cover the sea.
Habakuk 2:14 (NIV)
Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.
Proverbs 4:23 (NIV)
“Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink. 38 Whoever believes in me, as Scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”
John 7:37-38 (NIV)
The Practice of Wholehearted Community
As an antidote to the self-dependence, loneliness, and lack of meaning we can all face at times, we disciple people into what we call “Wholehearted Community.”
“Wholehearted” speaks to God’s design for us. The Biblical understanding of the human heart is that of a command center – one that thinks, feels, desires, and chooses. In our fallen nature, these parts of ourselves are disordered and dis-integrated. Our “Wholehearted” framework helps us encounter the Triune God, receive His satisfying love, come fully alive, and overflow with His love to those around us.
“Community” refers to our relationships. In His goodness, God has given us to each other – to know and love one another, carrying one another’s burdens, stirring one another up to love and good works. Together in community, our stories are met with grace and truth. We draw out the God-given glory and challenge the enemy-designed distortions of those God has placed in our fellowship.

The Critical Elements of Wholehearted Community
A safe, supportive, authentic, and challenging environment that reveals the heart of God and nurtures healthy openness and vulnerability.
Distinct, soft skills for connecting to God, ourselves, and others that allow us to experience and express the heart of God.
Gospel realities grounded in scripture that demonstrate God’s heart, His Larger Story and our part to play.
Meet the Team
Abby Mandella
Executive Director
Larry Bolden
Anisa Sumlar
Creative Director
Anna Dejulia
Retreat & Delivery Team Director
Dana Smith
Equipping Coordinator
Heather Barham
Retreat Administrator
Heather Pienaar
Communications Coordinator
Laura Arnold
Research & Development Director
Tom Mullis
Partnership Director
Mandi Wellington
Carrie Johnson
Curriculum Developer
Will Funderburke
Tech Coordinator
Mark Guzzo
Church Coaching Coordinator

Interested in being a part of meaningful, dynamic work that transforms lives through Wholehearted Community?
How We Got Started
In April 2003, a month after his 50th birthday, Larry Bolden found himself on sabbatical struggling to figure out who he was and what God wanted him to do vocationally. 13 years into pastoral ministry and 3 years into a season of facing brokenness in his life, he was left with few financial resources and not much time to make some decisions.
Larry headed to the mountains of North Georgia for 12 days of prayer and fasting, desperate for God to meet him there. This is how he describes his experience:
Amid shattered dreams, I was coming to grips with the ways I had negatively affected the people around me. It was painful.
I had been walking with God for almost 45 years. I rationally knew about the beauty and glory of his eternal purposes, his love for me, his desire to love through me, to reveal himself through me to the people I loved the most. I had preached all about those themes. I had seen God use me in some wonderful ways in the lives of many people, yet in the midst of the pressures of life, ministry, and family, something was wrong.
There was a disconnect between what I thought I believed and what I really believed. Somehow the truths of the gospel had not penetrated to the depths of my being to close that disconnect. Yet now, as I faced the pain, the depths of my heart were being opened to actually, viscerally, in my gut increasingly know God’s love, his comfort, and his presence.
As I did, I began to dream again. What would it be like to build a place where men, women, business leaders, and ministry leaders could go beyond the surface of their lives and relationships, to let God break open the depths of their hearts and in their brokenness actually know the love of God that “surpasses knowledge.” (Eph 3:19)
Wellspring Group began with a vision to communicate, in depth, the transforming truth of God's love, and grace. God’s love is most transformational when we trust Him enough to walk into the pain of our lives - in the moment or in our past. The deepest place of pain is our deepest place of potential healing and redemption. Yet in evangelical Christianity, we tend to run from pain, or medicate our pain. God is calling us to face the pain and embrace the way of suffering, crucifixion, and death, that we may experience resurrection life, in the glory of God.
As our ministry got off the ground, we were thrilled to see men and women experiencing the fullness of living from their whole hearts, discovering who God created them to be. And unfortunately oftentimes, they would return to churches that were not safe, transforming communities of God’s love, truth and grace.
So God gave us an even bigger dream to see the body of Christ, the local church, move from leading and living out of independence, insecurity and isolation to actually leading and living in authentic, vulnerable, biblical community. Increasingly, we are seeing the church recapture its birthright to be a safe, healing environment for people to honestly come into the light of God’s life changing love.
Our Board of Directors
Rob Consoli
Assembly Software, Chief Revenue Officer Roswell, GA
Jerry Ingraham
Iron Mountains, President
Morgantown, PA -
Judy Keappler
M.A., M.Ed., LPC
Atlanta, GA -
Beth Lee
Retired Lawyer, Certified Mediator & Relationship/Communication Coach
Bryan Taylor
Cornerstone Management, CIO & CEO
Peachtree Corners, GA -
David Wilson
FARO Technologies, Inc., General Counsel
Atlanta, GA -
Laura Stechmesser
Atlanta, GA